The Serbian Chamber of Healthcare Institutions is an association of healthcare institutions founded by the Republic, autonomous province or local government, pursuant to the Decree on the Plan of the Healthcare Institutions Network.
The aim of associating healthcare institutions into the Chamber regulated by the Law on Health Care is: the improvement of operations, the economics of operations and achievement of other duties and objectives of common interest (Article 163 of the Law).
The Chamber\'s Articles of Association regulate the Chamber\'s internal organisation, composition, election and the manner of decision-making of bodies, financing, and other issues of common interest.
The Chamber\'s most important duties and responsibilities as set forth by the Chamber\'s Articles of Association include:
- representing common interests of Chamber\'s members in the functioning of healthcare system, developmental and economic policies before state and other bodies,
- ensuring the development and quality of the healthcare system, healthcare organisations and healthcare insurance system, in cooperation with bodies and organisations working in the interest of healthcare institutions,
- launching initiatives for the legislation, regulations and other measures on healthcare policy to be adopted,
- taking part in the preparation of laws and other regulations of interest to members of the Chamber,
- participating in the process of passing a general act governing the conditions, criteria and standards for concluding contracts with healthcare institutions and for establishing compensation for their work for each calendar year,
- participating in the drafting of a special collective agreement for healthcare activity,
- giving opinions on bills, draft laws and regulations of interest to members of the Chamber,
- realisation and harmonisation of common interests, common planning, etc.,
- providing assistance in developing activity programmes and other general acts, as well as providing direct professional assistance to members of the Chamber in the implementation of laws and other regulations,
- participation in developing staff norms, work standards, standards of healthcare services and the rational use of resource capacities,
- achieving mutual cooperation and division of work, as well as other issues of common interest for members of the Chamber,
- obtaining and maintaining cooperation with similar organisations and associations abroad,
- promoting information of Chamber\'s members and other interested parties through the Chamber\'s information system and connecting with relevant information systems in the country and abroad, as well as through the publication of the Chamber\'s special journal,
- organising and coordinating the training of personnel in the healthcare sector,
- publishing activity of importance for healthcare activities and healthcare institutions,
- performing other duties and responsibilities as set forth by law, other regulations and general acts of the Chamber.
The Serbian Chamber of Healthcare Institutions carries out its goals and responsibilities established by the Articles of Association through its bodies, subsidiary bodies and the Professional Service.
The bodies of the Chamber are:
- the Chamber\'s Assembly,
- the Chamber\'s Management Board,
- the Chamber\'s Supervisory Board,
- the Chamber\'s Director.
The Chamber\'s Assembly is the supreme organ of the Chamber and, as a rule, comprises the directors of healthcare institutions members of the Chamber.
The Chamber\'s Management Board, as a governing body of the Chamber has fifty-three members, who are also, as a rule, directors of healthcare institutions. The Management Board comprises all types of healthcare institutions, and there is an appropriate territorial representation provided.
The Chamber\'s Management Board, with a view of more efficient work and the performance of certain activities within its jurisdiction, has formed five commissions: the Commission for the Primary Health Care, the Commission for the Secondary Health Care, the Commission for the Tertiary Health Care, the Commission for Standards of Medical Services and Equipment, and the Commission for Legal, Economic and Financial Affairs.
The Chamber\'s Professional Service is in charge of professional, administrative and support tasks. The head of the Professional Service is the Director of the Chamber.
The seat of the Chamber is in Belgrade, Hajduk Veljkov Venac 4-6, telephone number 011/3622-523.